Shared Education Project: CASE (Collaboration and Sharing in Education) - Funded by Peace 1V.

During the 2018/19 school year Monaghan Model School is participating in a Shared Education project funded by Peace 1V.

We have been teamed up with St Patrick’s Primary School in Aughadarragh (near Augher) and St Patrick’s Primary School in Eskra. 

Outdoor learning

Senior Infants & 2nd class pupils from our our school will be working along with years 1-4 in each of the other two schools.  The topic chosen for Infants is Outdoor learning with emphasis on oral language and World Around Us has been chosen for middle classes again with emphasis on oral language based around 'living things. We look forward to lots of outings and shared activities over the coming months.

About The Pictures

Click the Pictures  to zoom in and see some of the activities in which we have already taken part; Pictures 1 and 3 - Aughadarragh and Eskra Primary 1 - 4 came to visit our school in Monaghan for lots of interactive learning tasks. Picture 2 - Monaghan Model School (Second Class), Aughadarragh and Eskra Primary 3+4 visited Rowantree Community Centre in Pomeroy for a "Knowing Me, Knowing You" Adventure.

Get in Touch

Telephone: +353 (047) 83070
Mobile: +353 (086) 057 7885

The Model School, North Road,
Monaghan, Ireland