Board of Management Agreed Report 22nd April 2024

The most recent meeting of the Board of Management took place on Monday 22" April. It was agreed that the following report be published on our website.

  • The Board of Management approved the proposed new PE uniform which will be in place
    from September 2024.
  • The school calendar for the 2024-2025 year was also approved. We have agreed to change the school opening and closing times next year. School will open to receive pupils at 8.45 am. Classes will start at 9.05am. Infant classes will finish at 1.30pm. 1:t— 6% class children will finish at 2.30pm
  • The Administration of Medications Policy was reviewed and Diabetes policy was ratified by the Board of Management.
  • Mrs Porter and Mrs Stewart have been invited to the official opening of the Peace Campus on 10 May.
  • The DES have responded to our application for additional accommodation with the proposal of building a new classroom which will provide us with an additional indoor general purpose space. We have been informed that the DES will not fund a sports facility. The BOM have accepted the proposal of an additional classroom.

Get in Touch

Telephone: +353 (047) 83070
Mobile: +353 (086) 057 7885

The Model School, North Road,
Monaghan, Ireland