Kids on School tours Monaghan Model Primary School Policy

 Taking into account the age and interests of the children and the curriculum being covered, Educational Outings will be arranged by the school to present the children with a new environment in which they can observe, investigate and relate their findings to their own environment.

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Outings will be arranged at the discretion of the class teacher in consultation with the principal and in keeping with DES Circular 7/61 which states that :

  • If less than one quarter of the pupils on the roll of the school participate in the tour, the school must be kept in operation on the date in question and the participation in the tour may be reckoned as attendance at school subject to the conditions specified in paragraph 4.

The following are the conditions which must be fulfilled before the participation of pupils in an educational tour may be reckoned as attendance at school

  • (1) As a rule the pupils should be present at school in the morning and  their attendance be recorded in the Roll Book. If for any reason, it is not possible for the pupils going on the tour to be present at school in the morning a separate roll of their attendance should be taken and the roll should be carefully preserved among the school records.
  • (2)That the parents of the children are prepared to allow the children to take part.
  • (3)That the pupils be accompanied by one or more teachers.
  • (4) That any teacher attending the tour will have obtained the prior permission of the manager.


The secretary or teacher who is organising the tour will ensure that:-

(a)  Tenders are sought for all tours

(b)  A form of transport, appropriate to the distance and the numbers travelling will be chosen.

(c)  The bus Company/suppliers and drivers accept the following conditions.

Conditions of Hiring-

(a)  All transport supplied will be well-maintained and have suitable capacity for the number of pupils and adults travelling.  Teachers have the right to refuse any bus they find unsuitable for their outing.  If the bus proves unsuitable a replacement will be supplied or the money refunded.

(b)  The driver will be used to dealing with children and have a thorough knowledge of and follow the itinerary and timetable for the tour.  The driver is responsible for the safety of the children while they are travelling but teachers have the right to intervene if it is felt the safety of the children is compromised

(c)  The group will have access to the bus for the duration of the outing

(d)  Buses will be left as they were found.


The teachers will ensure that the cost of the tour is reasonable and represents value for money.

Spending money:  Teachers travelling together will agree and notify their group if it is permitted to bring spending money and will advise of the upper limit of this.  This will be based on age and venue.


Tours will be booked at the most convenient time for the classes involved and will be booked after consultation with the Principal.  Teachers will be conscious of the likely "busier" days and days which do not interfere with other school related events.

On occasion the pupils and teachers from two rooms will travel together, if venue and transport arrangements warrant it.

Schools  may close for 1 day in the school year for the purpose of an educational outing with the permission of thr Board of Management. At least 25% of the average enrolment of the school must go on the tour before the school can close. The school roll need not be marked for that day. The day counts as one of the required 183 minimum days. (CPSMA Management Board Members’ Handbook)

The teachers will endeavour to find out as much as possible about the venue prior to booking, with particular reference to educational opportunities afforded, and the services and facilities available.

Weather Conditions:

Rain and head gear will be essential for all children and a change of clothes may be necessary, depending on the venue.

Tours list:

A list of suitable tours for all classes is available in a folder in the principal’s office.  Teachers will choose an appropriate venue and activities that will complement some aspect of the Primary School Curriculum for that particular age group. Teacher will also ensure that venues are suitable for pupils with special needs.


Teachers travelling together will decide whether uniforms should be worn.


Where problems arise either with venue or transport teachers will report back to the transport/tour organiser who will in turn discuss it with the Principal. If a problem arises during the tour the teacher will contact the school Principal for advice.

Conduct on Tours:

Pupil's behaviour on tours will comply with the standard set down in the School's Code of Discipline.  In certain circumstances parents may be asked to agree to a code of  behaviour.

Where it is felt that a child's conduct would pose a safety risk or inhibit the educational benefit for self or others, the teacher may refuse the child permission to travel.  Parents will be advised of this in advance.

Safety and Supervision:

Teachers will be extra vigilant when taking children out of the school.  Special attention will be paid to:- 

  • Road Safety
  •  Safety & Behaviour on bus
  •  Risks posed by particular venues (e.g. adventure playgrounds etc.)

Emergency medication kits and telephone numbers usually held in school for pupils with specific medical conditions will be carried by the class teacher when these pupils are travelling on an outing away from the vicinity of the school. If the tour is expected to last for more than the school day teachers should carry a list of contact numbers for all pupils.

The maximum  supervision ratio will be 15:1 (adult)

Parents and other adults who help with supervision are always accompanied by a teacher

Informing Parents:

Teachers will ensure that Parents are given sufficient notice of:

         (a) Itinerary & Timetable

         (b) Cost

         (c) Special clothing necessary and packed lunch (no glassware).

Outings to Places of Local Interest

Due to our very central location in Monaghan town pupils will regularly be taken on an outing or walk during the school day. Parental permission will  be sought for these local outings on the Admissions Form. See Home-School Links Policy. These outings may include:

  • Visit to Museum
  • Library
  • Nature Walk
  • Maths/Science trail around town
  • Places of local interest as part of the History or Geography Curriculum
  • Local church or hall for service or some other activity.

Competitions, Sporting and Other Outings

Written parental permission and agreement for transport arrangements is received for pupils attending or representing the school at events such as sporting events, competitions, etc.

Residential or Overnight Stays

Occasionaly senior pupils may be participating in a cross-border or other similar project  where an overnight stay may be necessary. These events are organised externally by the organising body in consultation with principals of participating schools.

The following will always apply:

  • Parental permission will be sought
  • Venue and activities will be suitable and age-appropriate
  • Pupils and parents will be informed well in advanve of planned events
  • At least two contact numbers will be carried for each participating pupil
  • Parents will be informed as to how contact can be made with the group leaders
  • Cost will be minimal (usually only spending money needed)
  • Pupils will be accompanied by at least two members of staff


Before the tour

  • venue booked
  • transport booked
  • individual parents informed of travelling embargo on disruptive pupils
  • timetable organised
  • parents informed by standard letter
    • itinerary
    • timetable
    • cost
    • lunch arrangements
    • clothing necessary
    • leaders
    • spending money
    • extra supervisors (Maximum 15:1)


Day of Tour

Tour leader will ensure:

  • all adults travelling know how many pupils are present
  • provision is made for payment of venue
  • Pupils are divided into manageable groups for supervision
  • that he/she carries appropriate telephone numbers and emergency kits for  pupils with a specific medical condition

Reviewed & Amended: April 2016

Get in Touch

Telephone: +353 (047) 83070
Mobile: +353 (086) 057 7885

The Model School, North Road,
Monaghan, Ireland