We completed a unit of work on 'People Who Help Us' and focused particularly on 'The Hospital'. The children shared their own personal experiences of hospitals and enjoyed learning about the different occupations within the hospital. We invited some of our parents who work in this environment to come and talk to the children about their work. We had the pleasure of spending a morning with two nurses and a radiographer. We asked plenty of questions, were given lots of good advice and loved having some real life professionals to play with in the Role Play Area. We re-enacted all we learned during our drama lessons when we found poor Humpty Dumpty in a terrible state at the bottom of the wall!

We also had a visit from the people at Barretstown who work with children who are sick in hospital. They introduced us to 'Chemo Duck' and taught us how to be a good friend to someone who sick. 

We concluded our theme with a visit from paramedic 'Granda Tony' in his ambulance. Paramedic Tony taught us how to ring for an ambulance in an emergency and showed us how the ambulance driver finds the way to our house. 

A big 'Thank You' to all of our visiting professionals who took the time to visit the Junior Infant classroom and share their expertise.


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Telephone: +353 (047) 83070
Mobile: +353 (086) 057 7885
Email: modelsch.ias@gmail.com
Website: www.modelnsmonaghan.com

The Model School, North Road,
Monaghan, Ireland