During the school closure, the Department of Education has outlined that learning will still continue at home. I am aware that in the current situation it is difficult and the children will struggle to learn new topics. Therefore, the work which has been set is self-explanatory and covers a lot of revision. I encourage the children to try their best with all of the activities below.
- English
- 3rd class - Ready to Go p141 (B) Deeper Thinking, (C) Vocabulary Work (D) Rhyming Words (E) Grammar The Past Tense
- 3rd class - Ready to Go - Read 'Oliver Twist' p143-147 - p148 (A) A Little Light Thinking (B) Deeper Thinking C) Vocabulary Work (D) Homonyms (E) Grammar More Verbs
- 4th class - Blue Skies
- p142 Undercover Work p143 / Word Wizardry Q2 / Surf the Imagination (2)
- Read 'Escape' p144 -p151
- p152 Tale and Detail / Undercover Work / Word Wizardry - Put the 'ough' words into sentences / Surf the Imagination Q1
All: Spell Well Weeks 18-21 - Choose any 15 words and create 'WOW' sentences.
Guided Reading Novels -Read as applicable to each child:
George Speaks ch3+4
Friend or Foe p32-p49
The Legend of Spud Murphy p28-p44
Bill's New Frock Ch 3+4
Time Spell Ch 4-8
**I encourage children to read over what we have already read in class to consolidate the learning
2. Maths
3rd class - Continue to revise multiplication tables (1x up 12x)
4th class Continue to revise multiplication and division tables (1-12)
All: Maths Challenge Tests 41-48
3. Project Work - China
Children have received an outline of the project. Children are welcome to work individually or if they have a neighbour / cousin / sibling in the same class, they can complete the project together.
The project can be completed as a poster or as a booklet. Children should not get stressed about their projects, as they are all professionals after completing their Monaghan and Italy projects. They were all amazing!!
I encourage the children to use KidRex or Scoilnet WorldBook to do their research on for accurate information.
4. Twinkl
Twinkl is a great resource and in the light of recent developments in relation to Covid-19, they are offering one month of free subscription. On the website you will find a range of resources in all subject areas. Feel free to look at the activities and choose any of your own choice.
Finally, I hope everyone stays safe over the days that lie ahead and I look forward to seeing you all again soon.