Hello everyone,
Well done on all the wonderful work that was completed this week! I really enjoyed looking at your lovely pictures on SeeSaw! Here is the plan of work for April 27th-1st May. I will email worksheets to parents, so if you have not yet contacted me then please do so in order to receive these.
Monday 27th:
Reading: Open Oxford Reading Owl link on Symbaloo. Tap My Class Login at the top of the page. Enter the username and password that were given in last weeks email. Go through the filters - Age 6-7; Series Tree Tops ; and pick the book 'Oh, Otto'. Look at the front cover and read the blurb on the back and predict what type of story it will be. Read Chapter 1.
Sp: pg 58 List 89 Learn ( no sentences today) Tables 9+
MYM pg 42- Monday ( if children are finding half past on the clock difficult then perhaps skip over these until this concept is taught)
English: Comprehension on Denzel's Holiday. Answer the questions using full sentences on the sheet or in your copy.
Handwriting pg 42: Please be careful with the lower case letter 'k'. You can open the book Ready Steady Write Pre-cursive 1 on the Folens website. Select resources, tap 'the hill letters' and select the letter 'k' to practice the correct formation of this letter.
Tuesday 28th
Reading: pgs 11-17
Sp: List 90 & sentences MYM pg 42 Tables 9+
Maths; Adding Tens and Units (revision). See worksheet 1. Remember to add the units first then the tens. Keep the units under the units and the tens under the tens. Complete the worksheet 1. ( If writing into a copy then just do Q1 &2)
Phonics: Open Sounds Make Words 1st Class on the Folens website. Go to Resources and select the Long I alternatives portfolio. Go through each section as revision of the Long I sounds. When listening to the poem, pick out all words that have Long I patterns (orally).
SeeSaw : Long I wordsort.
Wednesday 29th
Reading pgs 18-23
Sp: List 91 (no sentences). MYM pg 43 Tables 9+
Phonics: Open Sounds Make Words on Folens website. Open ebook. Go to page 50 - I have uploaded this sheet to the email so you can fill if out if you are printing the sheet, if you are writing it out into a copy then only write sentences 1-5.
Maths: SeeSaw activity - Addition Tens and Units
Thursday 30th
Reading pgs 24-31
Sp list 92 & sentences MYM pg 43 Tables
Maths: Addition sheet 2 - print or write into copy.
Handwriting pg 43
Friday 1st May
Sp Test & Tables Test
MYM Friday test pg 79
Sp Wb pg 59
SeeSaw: If you have finished reading your book 'Oh Otto', then complete the Making Connections activity. (You can opt to print the page and write it out and send a picture of it via SeeSaw or Gmail.)